Brandywine Counseling and Community Services offers two mobile clinics for Substance Use Disorder in Church on Main’s parking lot.
The services are focused on reducing harm caused by using drugs, as well as supporting people as they seek new, healthier habits.
All services are free and do not require an appointment.
For more information on Brandywine Counseling and Community Services, visit their website.

COPE – Wednesdays 9-11am
Services include assessment & evaluation for mental health conditions including Substance Use Disorder, telehealth appointments for Suboxone and Vivitrol prescriptions, individual counseling, peer coaching, recovery support services, HIV/Hepatitis screening and linkage to services, mental health services.

Syringe Services Program – Fridays 8:30-9:30am
Services include clean syringe exchange, education, counseling and referrals to drug treatment, HIV, Hep C, & pregnancy testing and referrals for services and treatment, referrals to resources that will help people maintain new, healthier behavior, and overdose prevention education.

Faith & Harm Reduction
Some folks find it radical to be giving out free needles, but we believe it’s radical to let someone get an infection because they don’t have a clean needle to use. We think it’s radical to let someone die from a preventable overdose. So we are in the business of keeping people who use drugs alive.
We believe this is what it means to embody God’s Grace in a tangible way. It’s the kind of Grace that meets people exactly where they’re at; the Grace that offers third and fourth and hundredth chances; the Grace that does not let our neighbors die on the side of the road.
If you are interested in engaging in the theology of Harm Reduction, please check out these resources:
– Church on Main’s Statement on Mental Health
– Pastoral Resident Brent O’Neill’s sermon, “People Who Use Drugs Are Beloved“
– Organization: Faith in Harm Reduction
– Podcast episode: People Who Use Drugs are Beloved: Faith, the Overdose Crisis, and Movements for Healing & Justice