Mission Statement
Church on Main is a worshipping community where we seek to follow the way of Jesus through:
– Love of God, self, others,
– Mission to all in need,
– And celebration of our diverse identities, including race, ethnicity, gender, nationality, physical and mental health, age, sexual identity, religious background, and social-economic status.
We intentionally affirm and welcome all.
In order to more thoroughly explain who we are, who we aim to be, and what this mission statement means for our community, we have prepared the following statements:
- Statement on Mental Health
- Statement of Affirmation of Women in Ministry
- Statement on Interdenominational and Interreligious Relations
- Statement on LGBTQ+ Affirmation
Additionally, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has prepared material on #BlackLivesMatter which states in part,
“While recognizing that racism victimizes many different racial ethnic groups, we acknowledge its unique impact on the African American community. Given the particular forms that anti-Black racism has taken in the United States of America both historically (including slavery and Jim Crow) and today (including mass incarceration, disproportionate policing, economic inequality, and continuing acts of racially oriented violence and hate), we state clearly: GOD LOVES BLACKNESS. Too many have denied this basic truth for too long. Our choice to align ourselves with love and not hate requires both a rejection of racism and a positive proclamation that God delights in Black lives.”
More denominational resources on #BlackLivesMatter are available here.
Visiting Us

At Church on Main you’ll find many of the things that typically make up Sunday morning worship services, a mixture of some people wearing suits or formal dresses and others wearing flip flops and t-shirts, Bible passages, a sermon, time for prayer, and voices joined together in worship.
You may also find we do things in a little bit of a different way than many other churches – we worship sitting in a semi-circle, we spend time reflecting on the sermon in an open dialogue, we share our joys and concerns within worship, and we share communion each week at a table that is open to all who Christ invites, no matter your denomination, faith background, membership or baptismal status.
Even if you find yourself running a little bit behind schedule on Sunday morning, you’ll be welcomed by somebody grabbing a chair for you, another handing you a bulletin, and warm smiles from people who are happy to see you made it.
Church on Main is a welcoming community of people with diverse backgrounds. We are intentionally inclusive as we try to model the radical hospitality and compassion of Christ.
We gather each Sunday to socialize at 10:00 AM and begin our worship service at 10:10 AM. We have refreshments sometimes on special occasions.
Our weekly worship service is in our Fellowship Hall on the first floor. A wheelchair accessible entrance is towards the back of our building, accessed from our parking lot, and leads directly into Fellowship Hall. Please enter in the back door, not our front door.
Special events (such a Easter or Christmas services) are held upstairs. Please let us know if you have any access needs, as our upstairs is not accessible by ramp or elevator.
We use our building to support many Ministry Partners.
We are formally connected to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), although we have leaders from many different denominational backgrounds.