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Statement on Interdenominational and Interreligious Relations

Statement on Interdenominational and Interreligious Relations

Humans have always had different understandings of the Christian Gospel. Yet, the vast number of denominational divisions over the centuries has been a great tragedy because it has made Christians enemies of one another rather than friends through Christ. Here at Church on Main we welcome into our fellowship those who are or have been members of any church and wish to worship with us. We also welcome those who have had no affiliation with any church. Further, we welcome dialogue and cooperative social action with Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Buddhists and others. In short, we at Church on Main celebrate all human strivings for the ultimate meaningfulness of our lives.

Approved by the Church on Main board on July 22nd, 2019.

Church on Main’s Mission Statement

Church on Main is a worshipping community where we seek to follow the way of Jesus through:
– Love of God, self, others,
– Mission to all in need,
– And celebration of our diverse identities, including race, ethnicity, gender, nationality, physical and mental health, age, sexual identity, religious background, and social-economic status.
We intentionally affirm and welcome all.

In order to more thoroughly explain who we are, who we aim to be, and what this mission statement means for our community, we have prepared the following statements